Video Marketing: How to Use Videos with SEO Strategy

Learn here how video benefits your website to outrank in SERPs. Also, know the practical ways to implement video marketing with SEO.

6 min readJan 25, 2023

Do you leverage videos with search engine optimization? Video marketing with SEO is a great marketing strategy to rank your website. Websites with relevant videos are 53x more likely to rank better than those without. If SEO content boosts the search rankings, SEO content with videos gives an added edge to stand out on the web.

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So, keep reading here to know more about videos with SEO strategy and its benefits. We will discuss how you can use video with SEO to get more organic traffic. By the end, you will also learn some effective tips for maximizing results using videos.

Video Content: Necessity for Robust SEO Strategy

You must consider many ranking factors while optimizing your website for search engines. If you consider these SEO factors and run one great strategy. In that case, you can rank your website high in SERPs. Video marketing is an effective technique. It lets you enhance your overall SEO strategy and drive results.

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Here are some main benefits video content can provide when integrated with SEO.

1. Enhance Quality and Depth of SEO Content

Search engines like Google like to rank high-quality web content. For search engines, high-quality content means content that answers the searcher’s query. Videos help searchers to get the same but in an engaging way. For example, if you sell cutting-edge SaaS tools to monitor social presence. And you have written SEO content on ways to engage better with social media audiences. In that case, if you create targeted videos and integrate them with web content. It will inform website visitors in visual form and increase the time spent. As a result, you will get high search rankings and organic traffic.

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2. Improve User Experience Plus Time Spend on Website

Does your website get a high bounce rate? If so, your website might be full of text and boring stuff. It needs crisp and engaging visuals, like videos and graphics. Videos are more powerful than plain text. It improves user experience and tells what they want. Videos encourage visitors to feel free to spend more time on the website. So, it sends positive singles to search engines like Google. And Google can provide a better ranking next time and help you attract more web visitors.

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3. Gain more Backlinks from High Authority Sites

More than 90% of people share videos after watching them online. It means your brand gets a chance to earn more backlinks without much effort. Quality backlinks determine around 46% of the site’s organic ranking. It’s a great chance to maximize the number of quality backlinks. But you need to create TOFU video content. TOFU content is the short form of top-of-the-funnel content. It’s the form of information content that provides value to the audience. These types of content also attract the eyeballs of high DA sites. And they love referencing these quality videos to get SEO benefits.

How to Use Videos with SEO Strategy

Now you have a basic idea of why SEO experts love using videos. But now you will be curious to know how to use videos with SEO strategy. Here are some easy tips on implementing videos with SEO.

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1. Add Videos on the Web Page

Your first step is to add videos to the web page. It helps to Keep the tone, message, and audio clear. Also, when you add these videos, it gives the best results to drive organic traffic. However, while implementing videos with SEO, ensure some basic criteria. Your videos must be relevant to the web page topic. It should be exclusive, specially created for the particular web page. Last but not least, it should be professional and fully edited.

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2. Add SEO Keywords in the Title, Description, and Video

Keyword research is a crucial activity to help you shape your SEO strategy. It also plays a significant role when creating video content. You do keyword research to understand what the audience is searching for. Although, you do not need to be a keyword research expert. There are many industry-standard keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner. You can use those and start discovering relevant keywords. Once you find some keywords, you can add those to the video’s title, description, and caption. It will add value to video SEO and help get more reach.

3. Make Web Page Content Thorough

You do not only add videos to web pages. But it also requires adding supporting content. You can add an SEO title, comprehensive video description, and timestamp. You can even suggest some other videos to watch to viewers. Adding a short copy also helps website visitors to gain significant knowledge. By adding all these elements to videos, you can get more attention from visitors. You can even drive them into product pages to make a purchase.

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4. Market Videos as Part of SEO Strategy

Great website videos indeed improve user experience and content. But it also requires us to remember that adding videos to the website is not enough. You will also have to market it using the right channels. You can find some better ways to get maximum views. Because if the videos get more views, they will get more backlinks. As a result, your website content and video will start driving quality traffic. You can share videos on social media, send them to newsletter subscribers, and promote them using PPC.

How to Optimize Videos for Better Results

Undoubtedly, videos are a very powerful tool to engage with the audience. But it’s also true that almost 59% of marketers feel challenges optimizing videos. Below are some ways that can help you optimize videos.

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1. Use the Right Video Hosting Platform

Which is the right platform to host your marketing videos? It might be a tricky question for most businesses. They can upload videos directly to their website or third-party platforms. However, directly uploading videos to the website can be costly. You can have to buy hosting with huge space and high speed. Therefore, it’s always good to choose popular video hosting platforms. You can consider any from YouTube, Vimeo, or Dailymotion. There are many other video-sharing platforms, but always choose one with a huge audience base.

2. Add Transcript and Captions

Do you know that almost 83% of people watch videos on mute? So, how will they understand your message? Probably, you will have to add a transcript and closed captions. Adding captions to videos can also improve watch time and engagement. Google and other search engines also consider video captions as a ranking factor. Videos with captions often get a high ranking on voice search results. Hence, it’s good to upload video content with captions. But it’s equally important to edit video as it will help you place captions properly and fix any errors.

3. Keep Video Thumbnails Eye-Catching

Your informative and marketing videos should not only contain quality information. But these should also have attention-grabbing thumbnails. While creating a thumbnail, choose the right dimension, alignment, and bright color. Using these simple practices, you can attract more eyeballs from the audience. However, ensure you do not make the thumbnail busy. It should simultaneously be attractive and clean.

Wrapping up

Videos are getting the huge attention of your targeted audience. Also, videos are undeniably beneficial for SEO strategies to help websites rank high in SERPs. So, if you also want to outrank your business website. You can start using videos with an SEO strategy. It’s a great way to get a competitive edge and the attention of more audiences.

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An freelance content writer and blogger I'm passionate about tech, finance, marketing and writing hacks, and I love to share my knowledge and tips with others.