TaskRabbit Review: How To Make Money On TaskRabbit?

Is TaskRabbit Legit And Safe To Use?

6 min readJan 19, 2022
Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

Today, let’s do the TaskRabbit review and get some great information. Here we will try to get the answer to “is TaskRabbit legit?”

it is screenshot of taskrabbit home screen

If you don’t know anything about the TaskRabbit marketplace. Here are many things we will discuss below in this TaskRabbit review, such as what the TaskRabbit app is, and how to sign up on TaskRabbit.

Also, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working on the TaskRabbit app. So, let us discuss what is TaskRabbit app at first:

What Is TaskRabbit?

The first thing to discuss in the TaskRabbit review is the TaskRabbit app. TaskRabbit is a platform to help skilled people who want to do extra work and make extra money with their daily job. It helps people connect freelance or independent contractors according to their service in the same area.

It is available in both forms, website and the form of application. You can use the TaskRabbit app on both iOS and Android devices. We have some more important things to discuss in this TaskRabbit review.

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Is TaskRabbit Legit?

Now you must know, “is TaskRabbit legit?”-

As per the research I did for this TaskRabbit review, I find TaskRabbit legit because of its process to hire skilled and independent contractors in the area you need.

What Are The Requirements To Work On The TaskRabbit App?

Her are given five requirements in our TaskRabbit review to work on TaskRabbit:

#1. Registration Fees:

It takes one-time registration fees of $25, and it can’t be refunded later.

#2. Needs:

You need a smartphone, internet connection, valid credit card, and ID card

#3. Qualification:

Any freelance skill from TaskRabbit categories.

#4. Age:

Minimum age to register yourself as a tasker is at least 18 years.

#5. Residency:

Anyone can join from any city where TaskRabbit is available.

How To Start Working On TaskRabbit?

#1. Install App Or Go To Website:

When you are looking to become a tasker on TaskRabbit. Then you must know that TaskRabbit has another app for taskers named “tasker by TaskRabbit.” You have to install this application on your device from either the app store or play store. Also, you can sign up on TaskRabbit’s website.

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#2. Create a Profile And Verify It:

First of all, you need to sign up the same way we do on any website. Then we need to choose the service we will provide. Then you will be asked for verification of eligibility for providing services. It includes identity and background verification.

#3. Register In Exciting Areas:

To get registered, you need to pay the registration fee, and then you can get orders.

#4. Schedule Your Working Hours:

Now you have done everything, and it is time when you choose when you work. Set your working schedule.

#5. Get Started And Keep It Continue:

Whenever an order or task matches your profile, you will get an alert, and you can confirm your order through it. And after that, every time, you will get a notification in the same way.

How Does TaskRabbit Work?

This section of the TaskRabbit review will help you to understand that “is TaskRabbit legit?” And also, you will be able to understand “is TaskRabbit safe to use or not?”

#1. Sign Up And Verification

First, taskers sign up on the TaskRabbit app or its official website. Then they need to complete their verification and registration on the platform.

#2. Choose Services

After completing registration, they need to choose a service they can provide using their skills. There are lots of categories on TaskRabbit.

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#3. Get Alert For Work

Once the taskers have completed their profile, they wait for job matches. When someone uploads any task and matches the profile, taskers get a notification. Now users need to research the order.

#4. Complete The Task And Get a Review.

After all is done, they get contracted with clients and complete tasks. After the task is completed, taskers can ask their clients to provide a short review of the service. It helps new clients to understand how impressive a service provider you are.

#5. Get Payments

When the task is completed, clients pay the independent contractor and keep the same with every alert. It is how TaskRabbit works.

How Much Can a Tasker Earn On TaskRabbit?

Many factors help you to understand how much you can earn on TaskRabbit. We are providing these factors in this TaskRabbit review below:

#1. Market Price:

If your price is the same as the market price, you will have more chances to get the order. But if your price is more than the market price, it will cost your client. And he will move to someone who is doing the same task in less amount.

#2. Achieved Reviews:

Another factor is the review you get from your old clients. If the review is good, you will get more money for your service.

#3. Location:

Also, the place you can provide your service matters. If more clients are available in the area, you will have great chances to get the order.

#4. Tasks:

If you do multiple tasks, you will cost more to the client, and you will earn more.

#5. Time:

Here the pay model is based on the hourly rate you decide for your service. So, if you work for a day, it will make more money. Else, for a few hours, you will get less payment.

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Advantages Of Working With TaskRabbit?

Here is an essential aspect of our TaskRabbit review, the advantages of working on the TaskRabbit app:

#1. Ease To Use:

TaskRabbit is easy to use for anyone.

#2. Prices:

Taskers can fix their price on the platform.

#3. Safe To Use:

The platform is legit and safe to use.

#4. Flexible Work Hours:

You can work here anytime and make your schedule.

Disadvantages Of Working With TaskRabbit?

Last but not least, in our TaskRabbit review, we have mentioned some disadvantages of working on TaskRabbit below:

#1. Not For Anyone:

TaskRabbit is available in a few countries and not everywhere.

#2. Need To Contact Clients:

After getting a notification, you will need to contact clients interested in your service. Else, another tasker will contact them, and you will not get this opportunity.

#3. Need To Pay The Registration Fee:

Also, you need the registration fee to join the platform as a tasker.


So, in this TaskRabbit review, we discussed many things, such as whether TaskRabbit is legit or not. We also discussed its advantages and disadvantages. I hope you find this review helpful and get help in finding some extra work.

However, if you wish to get some best ways to make money online, check out my other articles. Because by working on this site, you will mainly get a task to do delivery, shopping, and other physical tasks.


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An freelance content writer and blogger I'm passionate about tech, finance, marketing and writing hacks, and I love to share my knowledge and tips with others.