Are you thinking of stopping investing in mutual funds? Should you stop investing in the mutual fund scheme you have chosen to make wealth over time? Well, there can be many reasons you might be thinking about it.
However, before you come up with any decision, read this post, as it will give you the path to make an informed decision.
Why Stop?
1. You might have invested in a mutual fund scheme that has been performing poorly for many years and not offering ideal returns.
2. There might be new and better mutual fund schemes that may offer a better return on investment.
3. You may have already achieved your financial goal and want to withdraw that money to utilize more productive and relevant options.
Why Not Stop?
1. If your mutual fund scheme is offering good returns and strengthening your portfolio.
2. You are still far from achieving your financial goal, and a selected mutual fund scheme plays a crucial role in achieving it.
Before you decide whether to stop investing in a mutual fund scheme, it’s good to pause and start doing self-analysis. It will help you understand which option may work best for you.
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